Online form assistance
Do you need help completing an online form? Want to learn how to do it yourself? We can assist you in learning this useful digital skill.
Some examples of online forms include:
- paying your council rates via Payable
- passport and Visa applications
- pre-employment forms
- police and security checks.
Online form assistance
When: Fridays during school terms
Time: 1pm-4pm, 30-minute appointments
Location: Learning Centre, West Torrens Library, 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton.
You must bring all relevant information to your appointment, including log-in details for email accounts and any documents required by the organisation hosting the form.
The City of West Torrens, West Torrens Library and its staff take no responsibility for:
- content provided in online forms and other submissions
- online payments or other financial matters.
Responsibility for content, accounts, and/or transactions lie with the customer.
For more information or to book, contact the library - phone 8416 6228.