Virtual Verge Trail
Do you have a verge garden? We'd like to hear about it!
Show us your Verge and be part of the Virtual Verge Trail. If you've created a verge garden and live in West Torrens, register by completing the Virtual Verge Trail application form to have your project featured as part of the virtual verge trail and inspire others who are looking to undertake something similar. Your project will be published on the interactive online map to share all the good work that you've been up to.
Thinking about creating a verge garden at the front of your property? Peruse the streets online, or use the virtual trail to guide where you walk, cycle or scoot around your neighbourhood to discover how others have been greening their verge.
Greening your verge with plants can help to cool our city, improve the character and street appeal of your property, create more walkable neighbourhoods and provide habitat for native wildlife including birds, and other pollinators.
A range of resources are available to support residents to green their verge. Before commencing any work approval must be sought from council. The Greening your Verge Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Urban Verge Management Policy before commencing any work. You can then complete the online verge application form to apply to develop a verge garden.

Butterfly and bee


Shade loving

Green dream
