No Spray Register

Council’s weed control program targets vegetation and weeds on streets, footpaths, kerbs, gutters and road reserves/verges.

We understand, however, that people may wish to live undisturbed and to have some say in the manner in which weeds are controlled in their environs.

Council has a 'No Spray Register' which enables residents to elect that they do not want Council to spray in front of, or alongside, their property.

We have 4 spray cycles each year, which are based on the lifecycle of weeds. The timing of this program depends on weather conditions and seasonal growth.

If you are on the No Spray Register, you assume responsibility for the management of weeds on the road reserve in front of, or alongside, your property. If you wish to enter a no spray agreement with Council, we will undertake inspections every 3 months to ensure that weeds are being controlled to a satisfactory standard. If at any time we feel that the weeds are not being controlled, we will resume responsibility for maintenance, which will include the use of chemical products.

No Spray Register conditions

If you elect to be on the No Spray Register you will:

  • understand that the request is for a maximum 12 month period only from 1 July the year of application
  • need to re-apply before the end of the 12 month period in order to remain on the list
  • understand that if weeds are not being controlled to a satisfactory standard, Council will resume maintenance.

You can only register for a property where you reside.

Complete the No Spray Register request form if you wish to be included, or renew your registration, on the No Spray Register. 


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