Road safety
One of our highest priorities is that our roads are safe and accessible for all users. This involves providing:
- restrictions for motorists such as speed limits
- access routes for cyclists and walkers
- school crossings
- programs and campaigns to promote awareness.
Speed limits
The speed limit on local roads is 50km per hour unless stated otherwise. Speed limits are controlled and enforced by SA Police.
Cyclists and walkers
A network of bike lanes and paths has been developed across the area to allow cyclists and walkers to travel safely. The network includes:
- off road paths for cyclists and walkers
- on road bicycle lanes
- signed cycling routes on local roads.
Find out about cycling and the law.
Safety for school children
We maintain school crossings and participate in targeted community programs to promote safety for school children.
Way2 Go
Way2Go promotes safer, greener and more active travel for South Australian primary schools and their communities. It links with our Transport Management Strategy to identify works to improve safety and meet children’s needs.
West Torrens Road Safety Group
The Road Safety Group membership consists of:
- community members
- SA Police
- state government representatives
- elected members
- council administration.
The group conducts programs such as:
- Keep Your Distance Campaign (Finalist for the IPWEA SA 2012 Road Safety Award).
- Mock Crash held at Thebarton Oval every second year.
Find out more information here about joining.
Reporting hoon driving in our suburbs
Report any hoon or dangerous driving to your local police station or to the 131 444 Police Assistance line.
Hoon behaviour includes:
- burnouts
- donuts
- speeding
- snaking
- other dangerous driving.