Report it - report an issue


Submit request

Have an issue you would like to report to us? You can log your request via Report it and check back later on the status of your requests.

Our online tool is designed to help make it easier for you to report an issue to us. Report it lets you view the status of a submitted request, choose a location from an interactive map and attach photos.

What types of requests are there to choose from?

You can choose from any of the following request types:

  • branch or tree problem
  • dumping - illegal
  • footpath or road damage
  • general enquiry
  • graffiti
  • lost dog
  • noise
  • parks
  • pollution.

Some requests will have specific fields for you to enter information.

Can I check on the status of a request?

Yes, visit the Report it page and click the 'saved requests' link. Your previous requests will be available, along with their current status. Note: 'Report it' uses a browser cookie to store your information; if you have cleared your browser's cookies you will no longer see your previous requests.

Can I contact Council about my request?

Yes, if you need to follow up your request, please quote the request number displayed onscreen when you submit your Report it request.

Can I access 'Report it' from my mobile device?

Yes, 'Report it' has been designed to work from your mobile device. You can even add 'Report it' to your home screen on your smartphone.

Click here to watch a tutorial of how to add a website shortcut to your iPhone home screen.

Click here to watch a tutorial of how to add a website shortcut to your Android home screen.