The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) has control over speed limits on all roads within South Australia, including all local streets within West Torrens.
Council can propose speed limit amendments to DIT, but it is up to the Department to approve any speed limit changes. More information about changing speed limit and its criteria can be read on the Speed Limit Guideline for South Australia.
For a 40 km/h speed limit reduction to be effective, Council is of the view that the enforcement of the reduced speed limit should be implemented in conjunction with an appropriate road environment and suitable engineering measures. These road engineering measures may include road realignment, delineation and Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) schemes, developed through thorough investigations involving assessments of traffic volumes and speeds, existing road geometry, land use, road function and community demands. This is approach is also consistent with the State Government’s Speed Guideline for South Australia (see excerpt below and underline commentary about the road environment for emphasis).
A 40 km/h speed-limited area may be introduced to help create a speed environment appropriate to local streets. The speed limit of 40 km/h is generally appropriate in precincts where existing speeds are not overly high. These may be areas where higher speed streets have been treated with local area traffic management devices, or where speeds are naturally low because of existing road and traffic characteristics (Speed Limit Guideline for South Australia).
In the recent years, Council has implemented many physical traffic control devices to deal with the traffic issues (speeding and hooning) in the community. Such devices are effective in physically restricting the opportunity to speed and installed with support from the community. Solely relying on the use of lower speed limit signage to change driver behaviour is unlikely to be as effective.