Wellbeing Wednesdays
Published on 08 January 2025
In 2024, we engaged with our community to discover how important wellbeing is to you and how we, as a council, can better support you in your daily life.
What we found was that wellbeing is a high priority for many, with a large majority telling us that you want a place where you can connect and belong.
As a result of this feedback, we're establishing wellbeing hubs at Fulham Community Centre and Lockleys Community Room. The hubs are a collaboration between council and Preventive Health SA and will aim to improve physical, social and mental wellbeing for our community.
At Lockleys, we are creating 'Wellbeing Wednesdays' where each Wednesday for the first school holiday term (February - April) we'll be opening our doors, inviting you to take part in activities or just drop in for a chat. We already have some programs planned, but there is more opportunity to explore new ideas as we move into the future.
Every Wednesday, from 10am - 4pm, Lockleys Community Room will be a place for you to drop in, take part in an activity or 2, stop by for some games or a chat and provide us with ideas of how we can develop this hub for you. We hope it will provide you with a place to meet others and create some new connections.
Join us for the launch of Wellbeing Wednesdays on 22 January from 9am - 4pm to find out what we have planned. Lockleys Community Room is located at 326 Henley Beach Road, Lockleys.
What we have planned (so far)
We want to hear from you
If you have a suggestion about an activity that we could provide though our Lockleys Community Room Wellbeing Hub, let us know. While we may not be able to accommodate all suggestions, it will help with planning future sessions at Lockleys; email us at info@wtcc.sa.gov.au