UPDATE: Stormwater upgrade - Marleston
Published on 12 March 2025
To help alleviate the issue of localised flooding during heavy rainfall periods, we're upgrading the stormwater system in Coneybeer Street, Marleston.
During this time our contractors will make efforts to minimise impacts on local residents and commuters, however some disruptions will occur. The following FAQs may help answer some questions.
When are the works starting?
Updated key dates:
- 1 April - pre-works (site surveying and site establishment)
- 10 April - construction starts - excavation of trenches and installation of new stormwater infrastructure
- 11 May - inspection of works
- 14 May - reinstatement of concrete and asphalt
- 18 May - clean up and close site.
Council will provide updates to affected residents if these dates change significantly for any reason.
Note: Coneybeer Street is due to be resealed in the new financial year.
Why is council undertaking these works?
West Torrens is continuing to see an increase in infill development, which is creating greater demand on council services and amenities, including stormwater systems. With more urban development comes more water runoff during rainfall events and, coupled with increases in rainfall intensity due to climate change, ultimately this increased water ends up in our streets, gutters, roads, and stormwater systems. We are committed to reducing flood risk in our city as per our Community Plan (Built Environment / Continue to manage and improve flood mitigation) and have identified this area as a key location for larger stormwater pipes to protect the broader catchment.
Who is undertaking the works?
Council has engaged civil works contractor Beltrame Civil to undertake these works on our behalf. Beltrame has successfully completed similar projects for us and neighbouring councils for many years.
Will my road be closed during the works?
The construction of stormwater pipes involves deep excavation (one to 2 metres depth), so while the construction crews are working it is necessary to have the road closed for everyone's safety. Where possible, the excavation will be filled or covered over with steel plates in the evening and the road re-opened to allow residents access to their properties. The contractor will work with those affected to keep them informed and minimise disruption.
Traffic management plans can be viewed via the link below as well as a map of the full worksite.
Traffic management plans(PDF, 1MB)
Full work site - affected streets(PDF, 817KB)
Will my driveway access be affected?
Where new stormwater installation crosses your driveway, access will be impeded for a short time. Our contractor will ensure temporary access is maintained by use of road plates or backfilling trenches to a trafficable condition, but in some cases there may be a need to park your vehicle on the street overnight.
Will the works be noisy and how early will they start?
Contractors will typically start at 7am and work until 4pm - 5pm each day. This will enable them to maximise the work undertaken in each day, with the aim to have works completed as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, construction machinery and equipment generate a large amount of noise, particularly during the excavation and reinstatement phase, so we appreciate your patience and understanding.
How will this affect bin collection?
Bins may need to be emptied early in the morning before construction work begins and, as such, we will work with our waste contractor to ensure collection can still occur. Please place your bins out the night before collection day as normal to ensure that they are emptied.
Who can I contact regarding these works?
Further information about this project can be obtained by contacting our Project Engineer Capital Works, Adrian Cecchin, 8416 6333, email cwtassets@wtcc.sa.gov.au