Thebarton Oval Precinct - next steps
Published on 09 October 2023
Following the State Government's announcement to support the Adelaide Football Club's proposal to move to Thebarton Oval, it's important that we provide an outline of the process still to occur.
There is some misconception that the plan is a 'done deal', however there are still some final stages to occur.
Stage 1: The Adelaide Football Club will be required to present its final masterplan for the Thebarton Oval Precinct to the Masterplan Advisory Group.
Stage 2: The masterplan will then be presented to Council, at which time the Elected Members will decide on next steps, including community consultation.
Stage 3: If Council endorses the masterplan for community consultation, we will provide further updates on how people can provide feedback.
Stage 4: Once community consultation concludes, a report will be presented to the Elected Members for consideration before a final decision is made on whether to grant a lease to Adelaide Football Club to implement its masterplan.
Adelaide Football Club media release