Hilton Ward supplementary election

Published on 26 September 2024

Nominations for the supplementary election for Hilton Ward are now open.

People interested in nominating as a candidate must live or own property in West Torrens, or be registered on the supplementary role. You do not need to be a resident of, or own property in, Hilton Ward. You must also be an Australian citizen.

Why a supplementary election?

A supplementary election is held when a councillor or mayor elected at the most recent election resigns or retires from office before the end of the election term. Supplementary elections can sometimes be referred to as a by-election.

The role of a councillor

Councillors serve the community by representing the interests of the whole community. They work with other councillors to make decisions about how community needs will be addressed. Councillors are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the council. Councillors receive an allowance as well as the opportunity to be involved in workshops, seminars and training which can enhance leadership skills and, ultimately, help the community.

Nominations must be received by 12 noon, 10 October 2024.

More information can be found via the ECSA website.


Authorised Angelo Catinari, Chief Executive Officer

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