William Queale, founder and first managing director
Les Queale (1904-93) - William Queale’s youngest brother
Group of forty-three men at Kelvinator School, Adelaide, March 2-6, 1953
Kelvinator dinner for management group c.1954. L to R: Vin Clarke – Heat Treatment; Bob Ansell – ?; Arthur Jenkins – Tooling; Alan Polmear – Stores; George McCauley – Supply. Possibly end of year dinner
Kelvinator personnel in front foyer Anzac Highway c.1962. L to R: H. (Harvey) Nickels, Design; J. (Jack) Pulford, Tooling; R. (Ridge) Brown, Production; L. Wines (Kelvinator International); E. (Ernie) Parsons, Inspection
Gordon McLean, Chief Laboratory Assistant in Design Engineering c.1981. At his desk in main building, Keswick
Loading petrol pump into container for transport c.1940. Loading ramp in hangar building
Container closed and ready for transport c.1940
Kelvinator, Keswick, Machine shop, Plant 2 c.1950. Turret Lathe section
Kelvinator Foundry, Kent Road, Keswick, c. 1950. Showing row of sound moulding machines. No ear protection – sound level 100dB when machines were jolting the moulds
Petrol pump, manufactured by Mechanical Products, forerunner of Kelvinator, in their city premises c.1932
Kelvinator Fridge (M5W = Metal outer shell, 5 cub ft, Wood frame) c.1940. Photographer F.A. Gray
Kelvinator Cabinet assembly line c. 1940. Product M5W. Location: Old factory building fronting Everard Avenue; replaced by two-storey office building c. 1942. Inset – early version of Kelvinator symbol
Kelvinator refrigerators in hot test room undergoing operational test c. 1940. Recording thermometers on top of fridges
Kelvinator Fridge (AS5= all steel, 5 cub ft) c. 1950. Photographer A.G. Tasker