SALA Artist Workshop

Next date: Saturday, 17 August 2024 | 05:30 PM to 07:30 PM


The Background Story - Translating your written story into a visual story with Felicity Martens

This workshop is for anyone who loves writing and art and is uncertain about how to transfer their words into an emotive visual display.

Felicity will use her creative experience to help you identify the key emotive ideas that underpin the main storyline by teaching you some basic formulas used as writing strategies, and workshopping how you can apply them to your own visual storyboard.

*Either bring a short story that you have written or dot point your own well thought out premise to be able to use on the day. Please note that the scope of the workshop will not enable you to flesh out your premise but rather help you identify what areas of your story theme might transfer to a visual series of artworks.

Pens, pencils and pads supplied.

Felicity, a published author, ghost writer and artist wrote a tween magical realism series which had an underlying theme or background focus on mindfulness and connectedness.  She travelled Australia to schools, and using her stories guided students how to use mindfulness meditation and creativity to ease stress and anxiety.  Felicity is committed to painting at the current time with several writing projects waiting on her computer to be finished.  

Part of The Boundaries of Connectedness Exhibition.

DATES: 1-31 August LOCATION: West Torrens Auditorium Gallery


The Boundaries of Connectedness is a personal essay about the way Felicity finds meaning in relationships. Written while studying different forms of writing it has been the inspiration for her exhibition at West Torrens Auditorium Gallery.  The exhibition is a visual display of surreal experiences with nature and some of the many people and places she loved growing up in Papua New Guinea.

Bookings required for the workshop.

Exhibition does not require bookings.


  • Saturday, 17 August 2024 | 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM


West Torrens Auditorium

Hamra Centre Library, 1 Brooker Tce, Hilton, 5033, View Map

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