Be Connected Courses

Whether you’ve never touched a computer before or want to refresh or extend your skills, our workshops offer a non-judgemental environment to help you gain confidence using technology.

Courses run over 4-week blocks. You will receive one booking for the 4 weeks.

Below are the courses aimed at those who have the basics in hand. Check out these courses instead if you would like to start with beginner courses.


Course 1: Scam awareness

Begins 30 January, and continues 6 February, 13 February, and 20 February


Course 2: Apps and streaming services

Begins 30 February, and continues 6 March, 13 March, and 20 March 


Participants must be aged 50 years and over, and members of a South Australian public library. Please let staff know if you have any access requirements.

Location: Learning Centre, Hamra Centre Library, 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton.

Bookings are essential. For more information or to book, contact the library - phone 8416 6228.



Hamra Centre Library, 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton, 5033, View Map

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