Suburbs and wards map
Interactive Ward map
For more detail, visit LocationsSA for an interactive map of the South Australian region.
Not sure which ward you live in? Search your address at WestMaps Public.
Suburbs of West Torrens
- Ashford 5035
- Brooklyn Park 5032
- Camden Park 5038
- Cowandilla 5033
- Glandore 5037
- Glenelg North 5045
- Hilton 5033
- Fulham 5024
- Keswick 5035
- Kurralta Park 5037
- Lockleys 5032
- Marleston 5033
- Mile End 5031
- Mile End South 5031
- Netley 5037
- Novar Gardens 5040
- North Plympton 5037
- Plympton 5038
- Richmond 5033
- Thebarton 5031
- Torrensville 5031
- Underdale 5032
- West Beach 5024
- West Richmond 5033
You can use the map above to search ward information for the city of west torrens. Find your street on the map and the pop-up will tell you the ward and your elected members for the ward.