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Membership of Council committees
Presiding Member:
Mayor Michael Coxon
Deputy Presiding Member:
Cr Jassmine Wood (as Deputy Mayor)
Cr Jassmine Wood, Cr Sara Comrie, Cr Elisabeth Papanikolaou, Cr John Woodward, Cr Kym McKay, Cr Daniel Huggett, Cr George Demetriou, Cr Anne McKay, Cr Surender Pal, Cr Lana Gelonese, Cr Zoi Papafilopoulos, Cr Graham Nitschke
City Services and Climate Adaption Standing Committee
Presiding Member:
Cr Cindy O'Rielley
Deputy Presiding Member:
Cr Daniel Huggett
Mayor Michael Coxon, Cr Jassmine Wood, Cr Sara Comrie, Cr Elisabeth Papanikolaou, Cr John Woodward, Cr Kym McKay, Cr George Demetriou, Cr Anne McKay, Cr Surender Pal, Cr Lana Gelonese, Cr Zoi Papafilopoulos, Cr Graham Nitschke
City Facilities and Waste Recovery Standing Committee
Presiding Member:
Cr Kym McKay
Deputy Presiding Member:
Cr Anne McKay
Mayor Michael Coxon, Cr Jassmine Wood, Cr Sara Comrie, Cr Cindy O'Rielley, Cr Elisabeth Papanikolaou, Cr John Woodward, Cr Daniel Huggett, Cr George Demetriou, Cr Surender Pal, Cr Lana Gelonese, Cr Zoi Papafilopoulos, Cr Graham Nitschke
City Finance and Governance Standing Committee
Presiding Member:
Cr Anne McKay
Deputy Presiding Member:
Cr Elisabeth Papanikolaou
Mayor Michael Coxon, Cr Jassmine Wood, Cr Sara Comrie, Cr Cindy O'Rielley, Cr John Woodward, Cr Kym McKay, Cr Daniel Huggett, Cr George Demetriou, Cr Surender Pal, Cr Lana Gelonese, Cr Zoi Papafilopoulos, Cr Graham Nitschke
City Advancement and Prosperity Standing Committee
Presiding Member:
Cr Elisabeth Papanikolaou
Deputy Presiding Member:
Cr Daniel Huggett
Mayor Michael Coxon, Cr Jassmine Wood, Cr Sara Comrie, Cr Cindy O'Rielley, Cr John Woodward, Cr Kym McKay, Cr George Demetriou, Cr Anne McKay, Cr Surender Pal, Cr Lana Gelonese, Cr Zoi Papafilopoulos, Cr Graham Nitschke
Audit and Risk General Committee
Presiding Member:
Cr John Woodward
Deputy Presiding Member:
Ms Elizabeth Moran
Ms Elizabeth Moran (Independent Member), Ms Tracie Dawber (Independent Member)
CEO Performance Review General Committee
Presiding Member:
Cr Surender Pal
Deputy Presiding Member:
Cr Jassmine Wood
Cr Graham Nitschke, Cr Lana Gelonese, Cr Sara Comrie, Cr Anne McKay, Cr Elisabeth Papanikolaou, Cr Kym McKay
Youth Advisory Committee
Presiding Member:
Mayor Michael Coxon
Deputy Presiding Member:
Joshua Wabnitz
Cr Elisabeth Papanikolaou, Cr George Demetriou, Cr Daniel Huggett, Thomas Maxwell, Mitchell Grzeszkiewicz, Marriam Aljuboore, Fenet Fikreselassie, John Pallis, Savva Miltiadous, Amelia Schaefer, Jack Duffield, Lachie Campbell, Soraia Jafari
Max and Bette Mendelson Foundation Management Committee
Presiding Member:
Cr George Demetriou, Cr Daniel Huggett, Mr Mark Jappe (Independent Member)
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