We use capital values as the basis for valuing land. The values are purchased from the Valuer-General each year.
What is capital value?
Capital value means the value of your land including any improvements made to your property.
- Valuation increases have no impact on the total income we collect from rates.
- Valuation increases do impact on the proportion of rates you pay.
Vacant land
Vacant land attracts higher rates than residential property. So rates may increase if land remains vacant after the demolition of a building.
Find out more about property valuations.
Capital Values
For information on how your property is valued go to the Office of the Valuer General.
Find out more
Watch a video explanation
Has the City of West Torrens had a rates windfall from the large increase in property values in recent years?
The answer to this question is no. The City of West Torrens has not benefited from the recent property boom. Rates in the dollar have been reduced to compensate for increased property values and therefore remove any windfall gain that would otherwise have occurred.
Objections to a property valuation
You have a right to object to a property valuation.
How to make an objection
- set out your grounds in writing
- lodge it with the Valuer-General.
Objections must be received by the Valuer-General no more than 60 days after the 'date of notice' appearing on the first rate notice issued for the financial year.
Information about objections can be found on the back of your rates notice.
The objection does not change the due date for the payment of rates.
Objections can be forwarded to:
State Valuation Office
GPO Box 1354
Adelaide SA 5001
Phone: 1300 653 346
Email the State Valuation Office