Financial reports

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Part of our responsibility to our community is financial reporting on how we are allocating and spending revenue collected.

The following documents explain how we are performing:

  • Annual Business Plan, Budget and Long Term Financial Plan.
  • Annual Report.
  • Financial statements.

Annual Business Plan, Budget and Long Term Financial Plan

This Plan is a key document in our Council’s overall Planning Framework. It supports our long term strategic directions, which are outlined in the Council’s strategic management plan: Community Plan 2030.

The Annual Business Plan, Budget and Long Term Financial Plan outlines how we plan to allocate our budget and what services and projects will be provided to our residents in the forthcoming financial year.

View the 2024-25 Plan adopted by Council.

View the summary brochure.

Annual Report

The Annual Report outlines everything that we’ve achieved and worked toward during the financial year to support the strategic aims of Council.

View the latest Annual Report here.

Financial statements

The financial statements contain certified statements about income, cash flow, disposal of assets, accounting policies and other financial information about the City of West Torrens. These can also be found in Council's Annual Report.

View the Annual Financial Statements 2022-23.