Meeting dates and times


The 2025 meeting dates for the Council, Standing Committees, Council Assessment Panel and General Committees are as follows:



Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton


7pm on the following dates:

21 January 18 February 18 March
15 April 20 May 17 June
15 July 19 August 16 September
21 October 18 November 9 December

Standing Committees


Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton


6pm on the following dates:

City Services and Climate Adaptation Standing Committee & City Facilities and Waste Recovery Standing Committee
4 February 1 April 3 June 5 August 7 October

 City Finance and Governance Standing Committee & City Advancement and Prosperity Standing Committee

4 March 6 May 1 July 2 September 4 November

Special City Finance and Governance Standing Committee (Budget and Annual Business Plan 2025/26)

To be advised.  



Council Assessment Panel


Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton


5pm on the following dates:

21 January 11 February 11 March
8 April 13 May 10 June
8 July 12 August 9 September
14 October 11 November 9 December

General Committees


Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton


4pm on the following dates:

Audit and Risk General Committee
25 February 22 April
24 June 26 August
28 October


Special Audit and Risk General Committee

To be advised.


Chief Executive Officer's Performance Review

25 September

Youth Advisory Committee
27 May 22 July 23 September 25 November
AI Assistant