Information or briefing sessions


Section 90A of the Local Government Act 1999 (Act) provides that the Council or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) may arrange for the holding of an information or briefing session where more than one (1) member of the Council or Council Committee is invited to attend or be involved in the session, provided that any matters discussed relating to a matter that would ordinarily form part of the agenda for a formal meeting of the Council or a Council Committee are not dealt with in such a way as to obtain, or effectively obtain a decision.

Information and briefing sessions will be used for the sole purpose of discussing a matter that is, or is intended to be, part of the agenda for a formal meeting of the Council or Council Committee.

All information and briefing sessions will be held in a place open to the public unless the session is one that Council or the CEO has declared will be held in confidence.

Council or the CEO will only declare that an information or briefing session will be held in confidence on a case by case basis, and the Council or CEO will only declare that such a session will be held in confidence if it is a briefing relating to information or a matter of a confidential nature within the ambit of s90(3) of the Act.

Details of information or briefing sessions

Information sessions 2025

Date Time Topic and venue Open to the Public Reason for confidence
15/04/2025 6:00 PM Briefing Session: Kings Reserve Master Plan - Consultation Summary,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
18/03/2025 6:00 PM Animal Management Update,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
06/03/2025 6:00 PM DIT T2D commencement of 'Central North' site works at Richmond,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
18/02/2025 6:00 PM Briefing on Council Meeting Agenda Items,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
28/01/2025 6:00 PM 2025/26 Budget and Proposed Investment Program,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA

Information sessions 2024

Date Time Topic and venue Open to the Public Reason for confidence
03/12/2024 6:30 PM Kings Reserve Masterplan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
26/11/2024 6:30 PM Henley Beach Road Visioning Project by Jensen Consulting,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
26/11/2024 6:00 PM Signature Roads Managed by DIT for Council to Maintain,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
29/10/2024 6:00 PM Elected Member Strategic Workshop: Community Facilities Strategy,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this strategic workshop in accordance with Section 90(3)(b)(i) and (b)(ii) and j(i) and j(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that the information provided would confer a commercial advantage or prejudice the commercial position of the Council, and in addition, is information, the disclosure of which would divulge information provided on a confidential basis by a Minister of the Crown or another public authority or official, which would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest.
15/10/2024 6:00 PM Response to the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan (GARP),
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
24/09/2024 6:00 PM Candidate Information Session: Hilton Ward Supplementary Election,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
17/09/2024 6:00 PM JLT Risk Solutions,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
10/09/2024 6:00 PM Civic Precinct Redevelopment,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
20/08/2024 6:00 PM Thebarton Masterplan Development,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
23/07/2024 6:00 PM CWT Carbon Reduction Plan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
16/07/2024 6:00 PM Heritage Review (July 2024),
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
18/06/2024 6:00 PM Community Plan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
04/06/2024 6:00 PM Tree Canopy Modelling Study,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
23/05/2024 6:00 PM Budget Consultation - Opportunity for Public to attend to provide feedback on budget,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
21/05/2024 6:00 PM Multicultural Communities Council of South Australia - Overview of the Cultural Q Training Framework,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
21/05/2024 5:30 PM Heritage Review update,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
07/05/2024 5:30 PM Tree Management,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
16/04/2024 6:00 PM North-South Corridor Update,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
19/03/2024 6:00 PM Thebarton Community Centre Update,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
20/02/2024 6:00 PM Local Government Participation and Elections Review Overview,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
20/02/2024 6:00 PM Transformation of the Keswick Creek corridor,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
30/01/2024 6:00 PM Elected Member Strategic Workshop (January 2024),
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this strategic workshop in accordance with section 90(3)(d)(i) and (d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that the information would confer a commercial advantage on third parties and on balance be contrary to the public interest.
23/01/2024 6:00 PM Community Plan 2030,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA

Information sessions 2023

Date Time Topic and venue Open to the Public Reason for confidence
21/11/2023 6:00 PM City of West Torrens Corporate Net Zero Emissions Plan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
09/11/2023 6:00 PM Forestville Code Amendment,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
26/10/2023 6:00 PM Thebarton Oval Precinct Redevelopment - Background and Masterplan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this briefing session in accordance with s90(3)(d)(i) and (d)(ii), and s90(3)(h) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that the briefing session will contain the provision of legal advice to the Council and consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality owed to the relevant parties.
17/10/2023 6:00 PM Forestree App Overview,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
17/10/2023 6:00 PM Plan SA Portal Overview,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
19/09/2023 6:00 PM Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
15/08/2023 6:00 PM Citizen Advocacy South Australia Inc.,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
03/08/2023 6:00 PM Elected Member briefing by DIT - Marion Road and Cross Road level-crossing removals | Marion Road and Sir Donald Bradman Drive intersection upgrade,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
25/07/2023 6:00 PM 25 Pierson Street, Lockleys Code Amendment (Future Urban),
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
18/07/2023 6:00 PM City of West Torrens Festivals Program,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
18/07/2023 6:00 PM Local Government Finance Authority,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
20/06/2023 6:00 PM Lower Brown Hill Creek proposed works,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
08/06/2023 6:00 PM Budget Consultation - Opportunity for Public to attend to provide feedback on the Budget and Annual Business Plan 2023/24,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
18/04/2023 6:00 PM Lockleys Code Amendment - Update,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
04/04/2023 6:00 PM Budget and Annual Business Plan 2023/24,
George Robertson Room
Yes NA
21/03/2023 6:00 PM Thebarton Theatre Complex,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
06/02/2023 6:00 PM Thebarton (Brewery Precinct) Code Amendment,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this briefing session in accordance with section 90(3)(m) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that the briefing will consider information relating to a proposal to amend a designated instrument under Part 5 Division 2 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 before the draft amendment is released for public consultation.
10/01/2023 6:00 PM Adelaide Football Club Proposal for Thebarton Oval Precinct - January,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this briefing session in accordance with Section 90(3)(d)(i) and (d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that the briefing will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality owed to the relevant party.

Information sessions 2022

Date Time Topic and venue Open to the Public Reason for confidence
13/12/2022 6:00 PM Adelaide Football Club Proposal for Thebarton Oval Precinct - December,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this briefing session in accordance with Section 90(3)(d)(i) and (d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that the briefing will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality owed to the relevant party.
07/11/2022 6:00 PM Adelaide Football Club Proposal for Thebarton Oval Precinct - November,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this information session in accordance with Section 90(3)(h) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that the information session contains the provision of legal advice to the Council and it is important to ensure that legal privilege is maintained with regard to this matter.
04/10/2022 6:00 PM Riverbank Christmas Display and Summer Festival Events Update,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
20/09/2022 6:00 PM My Cool Home App,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
06/09/2022 6:00 PM 2022 Local Government Elections Caretaker Period,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
16/08/2022 6:00 PM Glandore Code Amendment (Confidential),
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this briefing session in accordance with Section 90(3)(g) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that advice was received from the Attorney-General's Department suggesting for the matter to be considered in confidence.
02/08/2022 6:30 PM Summer Festival,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
02/08/2022 6:00 PM West Beach Precinct (Confidential),
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this briefing session in accordance with Section 90(3)(d)(i) and (d)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999 on the basis that the briefing will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality owed to the relevant party.
19/07/2022 6:00 PM Draft West Torrens Stormwater Management Plan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
05/07/2022 6:00 PM Riverbank Christmas Display - Update,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
07/06/2022 6:00 PM Greening Spaces,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
17/05/2022 6:00 PM Thebarton Oval Proposal,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(b)(i) and (b)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality owed to the relevant parties.
19/04/2022 5:50 PM Possible Acquisition of Land,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(b)(i) and (b)(ii) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality owed to the relevant parties.
05/04/2022 5:45 PM 2022/2023 Budget,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
15/03/2022 5:45 PM Draft Transport and Movement Strategy,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
01/03/2022 5:45 PM Cyber Security Update,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.

Informal gatherings and Information or briefing sessions 2021

Date Time Topic and venue Open to the Public Reason for confidence
07/12/2021 6:00 PM Elected Member Briefing on the Torrens to Darlington (T2D) Project,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
16/11/2021 5:50 PM North South Motorway: An alternative proposal / option for the last 10.5km,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
02/11/2021 5:50 PM ICAC, OPI and Ombudsman - understanding the reforms to the public integrity system; and Conflict of Interest provisions - Elected Members,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
19/10/2021 6:00 PM Lockleys Code Amendment - October,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
05/10/2021 6:00 PM Commonwealth Home Support Program,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
21/09/2021 6:00 PM CWT Disability Action and Inclusion Plan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
07/09/2021 6:15 PM Christmas Riverbank Display,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
07/09/2021 5:45 PM Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act: Anzac Highway, Glandore,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(h) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions because it is important to ensure that legal privilege is maintained with regard to this matter.
31/08/2021 5:45 PM Elected Member Strategic Workshop,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this informal gathering in accordance with sections 90(8) and 90(8a) of the Act and clause 5.4.2a of the Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering is a briefing session of a strategic nature.
17/08/2021 6:00 PM Lockleys Code Amendment,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
03/08/2021 6:00 PM North-South Corridor - T2D,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
06/07/2021 5:50 PM Festivals 2021/22,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
15/06/2021 5:45 PM Community Consultation feedback on 21/22 budget,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes N/A
01/06/2021 5:45 PM Representation Review,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes N/A
18/05/2021 6:00 PM River Torrens land division (former Thebarton University site),
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
18/05/2021 5:45 PM CWT Open Space Plan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
04/05/2021 6:00 PM Thebarton Oval redevelopment,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(m) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality owed to the relevant parties.
20/04/2021 5:45 PM Proposed indoor sporting facility at 2 Retallack Avenue, Marleston,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
06/04/2021 6:00 PM Proposed Budget & Annual Business Plan 2021/22,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
06/04/2021 5:30 PM Representation Options Paper,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
16/03/2021 5:45 PM COVID-19 Learnings and Future Strategies,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
19/01/2021 6:00 PM 2021 Draft Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans Overview,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.

Informal gatherings 2020

Date Time Topic and venue Open to the Public Reason for confidence
17/11/2020 6:00 PM City of West Torrens Community Plan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
03/11/2020 6:00 PM Changes to the Draft Planning and Design Code,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
01/09/2020 5:45 PM Post September COVID measures for the CWT Community,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
18/08/2020 6:15 PM Breakout Creek Stage 3 (August 2020),
Via Electronic Means Only
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
04/08/2020 6:00 PM Local Government Reform Overview,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
21/07/2020 6:00 PM Breakout Creek Stage 3 (July 2020),
Civic Centre
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
07/07/2020 6:00 PM Planning Reform Update,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
No Due to the current major emergency declaration of COVID-19.
02/06/2020 6:00 PM Elected Member Budget Briefing,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this informal gathering in accordance with sections 90(8) and 90(8a) of the Act and clause 5.4.2a of the Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering is a briefing session of a strategic nature.
03/03/2020 5:45 PM Economic Development Plan,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA
18/02/2020 5:45 PM AdaptWest Coastal Inundation Report,
Civic Centre
Yes NA
04/02/2020 6:00 PM Stormwater Management Plans - the West Torrens Experience,
Civic Centre - George Robertson Room
Yes NA

Informal gatherings 2019

Date Time Topic and venue Open to the Public Reason for confidence
19/11/2019 5:45 PM River Torrens Governance Review,
Civic Centre
Yes NA
14/11/2019 5:45 PM Elected Member Planning Reform Briefing,
George Robertson Room
Yes NA
05/11/2019 6:00 PM SANFL - Thebarton Oval,
George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(m) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality due to South Australian National Football League (SANFL).
15/10/2019 6:00 PM Breakout Creek Stage 3,
Civic Centre
Yes NA
03/10/2019 6:00 PM Plympton Residential Development Plan Amendment briefing,
Civic Centre
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(m) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information relating to a proposed amendment to a Development Plan under the Development Act 1993 before a Development Plan Amendment proposal relating to the amendment is released for public consultation under that Act and the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality due to Holmes Dyer and Resource Co.
02/10/2019 6:00 PM Adelaide Airport Masterplan Workshop,
Civic Centre
Yes NA
03/09/2019 6:00 PM Adelaide Airport Masterplan,
Civic Centre
Yes NA
06/08/2019 6:00 PM Plympton Residential Development Plan Amendment (August),
Civic Centre
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(m) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality due to Holmes Dyer and Resource Co.
04/07/2019 6:00 PM Plympton Residential Development Plan Amendment proposed for 65-73 Mooringe Avenue, Plympton (Privately Funded) Workshop,
Civic Centre
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(m) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information relating to a proposed amendment to a Development Plan under the Development Act 1993 before a Development Plan Amendment proposal relating to the amendment is released for public consultation under that Act and the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality due to Holmes Dyer and Resource Co.
04/06/2019 6:00 PM PDI Contributory Items,
George Robertson Room
Yes NA
09/05/2019 6:00 PM Community Needs Analysis,
George Robertson Room
Yes NA
07/05/2019 6:00 PM Plympton Residential Development Plan Amendment proposed for 65-73 Mooringe Avenue, Plympton (Privately Funded),
George Robertson Room
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(m) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality due to Holmes Dyer and Resource Co.
12/04/2019 9:30 AM Plympton Residential Development Plan Amendment,
Mooringe Avenue, Plympton
No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(m) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information relating to a proposed amendment to a Development Plan under the Development Act 1993 before a Development Plan Amendment proposal relating to the amendment is released for public consultation under that Act.
02/04/2019 6:00 PM Proposed Budget and Annual Business Plan 2019/20,
George Robertson Room
Yes NA
19/03/2019 6:00 PM Public Realm Design Manual,
George Robertson Room
Yes NA
06/03/2019 6:00 PM AdaptWest Regional Workshop - City of West Torrens, Charles Sturt and Port Adelaide Enfield,
Education Development Centre (EDC) - 4 Milner Street, Hindmarsh
Yes NA

Informal gatherings 2018

Date Time Topic and venue Open to the Public Reason for confidence
26/11/2018 6:30 PM Swearing in Ceremony for the New Council,
George Robertson Room
Yes NA
16/10/2018 6:00 PM Aircraft Noise Survey Outcomes,
George Robertson Room
Yes NA
04/10/2018 5:30 PM Independent Members of the Audit Prescribed Committee Selection Panel,
Civic Centre
No The CEO has determined that the public be excluded from this informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(a) and 90(3)(g) of the Local Government Act 1999, in that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would be unreasonable given it contains personal information relating to the applicants which could inadvertently prejudice their future career aspirations and breach any duty of confidentiality owed to them by Council.
24/07/2018 8:00 PM Proposed Planning Delegations,
Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
17/07/2018 6:00 PM Employment Lands Analysis,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
03/07/2018 6:00 PM Household Facility Development at the Waste Transfer Station,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
05/06/2018 6:00 PM Marion Road Planning Study,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
15/05/2018 6:00 PM iResponda,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
17/04/2018 6:00 PM Disability Action and Inclusion Plan,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
06/03/2018 6:00 PM Proposed Budget and Annual Business Plan 2018/19,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
06/03/2018 6:00 PM Public Realm Principles,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
20/02/2018 6:00 PM DPTI Planning Reforms,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
06/02/2018 6:00 PM Memorial Gardens Playspace Concept Plan,
George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON SA 5033
Yes NA
30/01/2018 6:00 PM West Beach Road Upgrade,
112 West Beach Road, West Beach
Yes NA

Informal gatherings 2017

Date Time Venue Topic Open to the Public Reason for confidence
2 February 2017 6.00pm - 7.00pm Civic Centre Meeting Room, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 City of West Torrens Road Safety Group Yes NA
7 February 2017 6:00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Marleston TAFE Ministerial DPA No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(g) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality due to TAFE SA.
1 March 2017 5.00pm - 6.00pm Mayor's Reception Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 nderdale/Torrensville Development Plan Amendment - Zone Policy Options Review Yes NA
7 March 2017 6.00pm - 7.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Tourism Destination Action Plan - Western Region Tourism Plan Yes NA
21 March 2017 6:00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Underdale/Torrensville DPA Yes NA
4 April 2017 6.00pm - 7.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Budget and Annual Business Plan 2017/18 Yes NA
8 April 2017 9.00am - 4.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Strategic Planning Day No The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this informal gathering in accordance with sections 90(8) and 90(8a) of the Act and clause 5.4.2a of the Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering is a planning session of a strategic nature.
2 May 2017 6.00pm - 7.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 PDI Act Implementation - update Yes NA
1 June 2017 6.00pm - 7.00pm Civic Centre Meeting Room, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 City of West Torrens Road Safety Group Yes NA
6 June 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Former Boral Batching Plant, North Plympton - developer funded DPA Yes NA
20 June 2017 7.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Underdale / Torrensville DPA Yes NA
6 July 2017 6.00pm - 7.00pm Civic Centre Meeting Room, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 City of West Torrens Road Safety Group Yes NA
18 July 2017 6.00pm - 7.30pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Valuer-General Annual Engagement with Council Yes NA
1 August 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Thebarton Theatre Update Yes NA
15 August 2017 6:00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Council Assessment Panel - Terms of Reference Yes NA
5 September 2017 6:00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Tree Management Strategy Yes NA
12 September 2017 6.00pm - 7.00pm Mayor's Reception Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Underdale and Torrensville Ward Members Briefing Yes NA
19 September 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Privately Funded DPA - Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton (ALDI Stores Pty Ltd) Yes NA
3 October 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Underdale / Torrensville DPA Yes NA
19 September 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Privately Funded DPA - Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton (ALDI Stores Pty Ltd) Yes NA
10 October 2017 5.00pm Mayor's Reception Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 SAPOL Terrorism Risk Briefing Yes The Chief Executive Officer has determined that the public be excluded from this designated informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(g) of the Local Government Act 1999 and clause 5.4.2 of Council Policy - Informal Gatherings and Discussions on the basis that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would breach a duty of confidentiality due to SAPOL.
17 October 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Morphettville Racecourse Ministerial DPA Yes NA
7 November 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Asset Management Plans Update Yes NA
21 November 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room , Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Urban Heat Mapping Yes NA
29 November 2017 6.00pm George Robertson Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Australia Day Awards Nominations No The CEO has determined that the public be excluded from this informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(a) in that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of any person (living or dead).
6 December 2017 6.00pm Mayor's Reception Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Review of Parking Policy Yes NA

Informal gatherings 2016

Date Time Venue Topic Open to the Public Reason for confidence
28 November 2016 6:00pm Mayor's Reception Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 Australia Day Awards Nominations No The CEO has determined that the public be excluded from this informal gathering in accordance with Section 90(3)(a) in that the informal gathering will consider information the disclosure of which would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of any person (living or dead)
1 December 2016 5.30pm - 7.30pm Mayor's Reception Room, Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 West Torrens Waste Working Party Meeting Yes NA
8 December 2016 6:00pm - 7:00pm Civic Centre Meeting Room, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive HILTON SA 5033 City of West Torrens Road Safety Group Yes NA
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