About Council meetings


Anyone can attend formal meetings of the Council including:

  • Council meetings
  • Prescribed Standing Committee meetings
  • Prescribed General Committee meetings.

Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings but cannot participate in any debate. 

You can attend for a whole or part meeting, entering and leaving quietly at any time.

View the meeting dates and times for Council, Prescribed Standing Committee and Prescribed General Committee meetings.

Confidential items

Sometimes the Council or a committee may need to discuss matters in confidence, such as personal or legal issues that have commercial implications for the Council.

Items to be discussed in confidence are marked in the agenda as confidential. These are usually discussed at the end of meetings to minimise inconvenience to the public. When a confidential agenda item is discussed all members of the public are asked to leave the meeting.

View the Confidential reports register.

For more information see the Code of Practice - Access to Council meetings and documents.

Public participation

Members of the public can petition or address the Council about specific matters by:

  • Requesting a deputation - to address a meeting of Council on an issue - deputations can be made by individuals or groups.
    Find out more about deputations.

All petitions and deputation requests should be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer no later than one week before the meeting.

Council meetings and Standing Committee meetings

Council meets once a month on the third Tuesday of the month except in December when it meets on the second Tuesday of the month.

There are four Standing Committees formed under Section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999.

Standing Committees meet on the first Tuesday of the month at alternate Council meetings except in January and December.

The Standing Committees are:

  • City Services and Climate Adaptation
  • City Facilities and Waste Recovery
  • City Finance and Governance
  • City Advancement and Prosperity.

General Committees

The Audit General Committee meets on the second Tuesday of alternate months except in January and December.

The Youth Advisory Committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of alternate months except in January and December.

The CEO Performance Review Committee meets annually on the fourth Thursday in September.

Council Assessment Panel

The Council Assessment Panel is a statutory Committee which meets on the second Tuesday of each month.

Meeting venue and times

Meetings are held at the Civic Centre; 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton 5033.

165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton 5033


View the dates and times for Council, Standing Committees, Council Assessment Panel and General Committee meetings

View the agendas and minutes for Council, Standing Committees, Council Assessment Panel and General Committee meetings

Hard copies of agendas and minutes are also available at the Civic Centre.