Local history collection
Information about the history of the local area is held in our historical collection.
Materials held by the West Torrens Library Service
The local history collection holds a variety of books and DVDs specific to South Australia. The collection has titles specific to West Torrens, including 'Between the City and the Sea', 'Thebarton Old and New', 'Gateway City', 'A pictorial history of West Torrens' and 'Thebarton Cottage'. These titles are also available to download from the Digitised Local Publications page.
Search our catalogue for hard copy materials.
Search our catalogue for online photographs, documents, interviews and newspaper reports.
What is in the collection
Items include:
- photographs
- interviews
- recorded (oral) histories
- brochures
- pamphlets
- slides
- negatives
- film and video recordings
- maps
- newspaper articles
- plans and books.
The collection provides information about:
- people
- businesses
- events
- land and buildings.
Obtaining copies of information
Copies of historical information can be ordered through the West Torrens Historical Society.
Cultural and social advice
Members of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori communities are advised that this collection contains images and names of deceased persons.
Articles, interviews and other text-based items have been transcribed from original items and reflect attitudes of the time.
West Torrens Historical Society
The local history collection was compiled by the West Torrens Historical Society.
The Society is a voluntary not-for-profit organisation which records, collects and researches matters of historical interest.
Find out more about the West Torrens Historical Society.
More information
John Andrewartha
President, West Torrens Historical Society
Phone: 0438 005 316
Email the West Torrens Historical Society
West Torrens Library Service
Phone: 8416 6228
Email West Torrens Library Service
West Torrens Library - 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton SA 5033