Delving into the past


West Torrens Historical Society oral history interviews

Since its inception the West Torrens Historical Society has interviewed local residents to capture their valuable recollections of the West Torrens area.

Some of the early interviews conducted in the 1978 are an insight into the conditions and lifestyles when these people were living back in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Later interviews reflect the changes and developments made in the area and to the way of life.

Over 100 interviews were completed including:

Ruby Woods & Irene Butterfield (Interviewed 1977)

Daughters of John Edward Rowell and his second wife, Alice Davis, Born 1892 and 1896

Rowell family and homes in Lockleys and Fulham area, war involvement, farming and market gardens, River Torrens floods, Mellor, Davis and White family and homes, Moore Farm, Fulham School, electric tram, Caleb May, Kooyonga Golf Course, Lasscock’s nursery (LH0014-01)

Henley Jones (Interviewed 1976)

Father managed Hardy’s Wines, Mile End, Born 1903

Information on Hardy family and winery, Farnham Road Ashford, Holder Memorial Church, tennis clubs, Keswick Recreation Reserve & gates, Ashford Hospital, large flagpole, horse and electric trams, Everard House & big gum tree at Ashford (LH0077-01) 

Ada Both (Interviewed 1976)

Bismark Dairy, Born 1909

Father Bill Baker, Bismark Dairy property between Burbridge Road, Clifford Street and Press Roads suburb known at the time as Bismark or Garfield, milk round, schools and churches attended, details of Torrensville shops including Steward’s Drapery, 1919 flu, River Torrens floods, May family, play and activities, Foy and Gibson’s, Warrawinna Hospital, other dairies in the area (LH0078-01)

(See also Historian 2012 Vol. 4/1)

Alfred Ingerson (Interviewed 1976)

Ingerson family in council and bakeries, Born 1912

Bakery information, Jimmy Reid’s and other transport, football teams, market gardens, Richmond school and headmasters, Everard house and Anzac Highway and Farnham Road area (LH0079-01)

(See also Historian 2016 Vol. 8/2)

Mavis Keane (Interviewed 1978)

Granddaughter of William Charlick, wife of Ronald Keane, Glenelg football player

Charlick family and homes, dairy, living at Frogmore West Beach, Gray family (LH0080-02)

(See also Historian 2017 Vol. 9/3, 2013 Vol. 5/2, 2014 Vol. 6/2, 2019 Vol. 2/2, 2020 Vol.3/2, 2013 Vol. 5/2 & 5/3, 2014 Vol.6/1, 2015 Vol.7/3)

These interviews have been added to the City of West Torrens library catalogue and have an in-depth list of keywords to aid access to relevant records.

To search the full database, access the library catalogue here.