Types of emergencies

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For emergency assistance during a bushfire dial Triple Zero (000).

Prepare for a bushfire - Country Fire Service (CFS) and SA.GOV.AU.

During a bushfire - CFS warning and incidents and Alert SA event and warning information.

After a bushfire - SA.GOV.AU for information about a specific bushfire recovery event and general bushfire recovery.


For emergency assistance during a flood event call the State Emergency Service on 132 500.

Prepare for a flood - SA.GOV.AU.

During a flood - Alert SA event and warning information and SA.GOV.AU.

After a flood - SA.GOV.AU for information about a specific flood recovery event and general flood recovery.

Extreme storm

For emergency assistance during a storm event call the State Emergency Service on 132 500.

For information before, during and after a storm go to ses.sa.gov.au/storm.

For warnings and alerts go to Alert SA event and warning information.

House fire

For emergency assistance in a house fire dial Triple Zero (000).

For information before, during and after a house fire go to SA.GOV.AU.

Human disease

For information about infectious diseases, disease prevention and flu pandemics go to SA.GOV.AU.


Report suspicious activity to the National Security Hotline 1800 123 400 or SA Police 131 444.

To find out what to do before, during and after a terrorist incident go to SA.GOV.AU.

Power for medical equipment

If you use life-supporting medical equipment, you should register as a life support customer with your energy company. This means they will notify you in the event that any power works will be undertaken that will affect you.

In the event of an unplanned power outage, you should have an emergency plan ready. The Australian Energy Regulator has released a brochure with more information. 

Other types of emergencies

Refer to the SA.GOV.AU site:

Animal and plant disease

Chemical emergency


Extreme heat

Utility outages.

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