Emergency plan for the Western Region

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The South Australian SES has developed a Zone Emergency Management Plan for the Western Region of Adelaide.

Natural disasters such as storms, heatwaves, floods and bushfires can have significant impacts on people's health and wellbeing and can often affect the wider community.

The Western Adelaide Zone Emergency Management Plan (ZEMP) provides information on natural disasters and hazards that have a relationship to the Western Adelaide Zone.

The top three hazards for people in the Western region are flood, extreme heat and extreme storms.


By 2070 it is predicted that the Western Adelaide zone will be two degrees warmer than it is now, the sea level will rise by a minimum of 26cm and the sea temperature will also increase by two degrees.

It is therefore important that people living in the western region are aware of these potential hazards and how to help safeguard themselves and their neighbourhoods.

Read the key hazards and risks summary document.

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