Customer Service Charter

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We value our customers and community and we're committed to providing positive experiences in our interactions. 

Our mission is to strive for excellence in helping you and, as such, we have created a Customer Service Charter. 

The Charter, which has been developed as a result of staff input and customer feedback, provides an outline of what level of service you can expect from us when you are contacting us about issues:

  • by phone
  • via email
  • in writing
  • in person
  • via our website or social media.

It also provides an outline of what happens when you contact us afterhours and how you can help us in providing responses for you.

Read our Customer Service Charter here or read below.

In general

  • We will interact with you in accordance to our corporate values and be guided by our customer experience principles.
  • We will be realistic about what we can do and by when – and we’ll keep you informed along the way.
  • If you want us to attend to an issue that may need fixing, we will provide you with a reference number (where applicable).
  • We will act according to the legislation that governs us.
  • We will encourage your feedback and view it as an opportunity to improve our processes and outcomes.

By phone

Civic Centre 08 8416 6333 / West Torrens Library 08 8416 6228

  • We will be available for general enquiries between 8.30am and 5.00pm on weekdays (excluding public holidays). Our library hours differ from usual business hours and can be found on our website,
  • We will provide an after-hours phone service for urgent calls.
  • We will greet you using our name (organisation/department) and the first name of the person you are talking with.
  • We will give you a direct number to call us back, if necessary.
  • If your call needs to be transferred to someone else, we will ask you some basic information so we can introduce your call.
  • We will give you options if that person isn’t available, such as taking a message.
  • Messages left on voicemail (mobile or landline), will be returned within one to a maximum of 3, business days.

In writing

  • We will acknowledge and try to resolve issues you write to us about within 15 business days.
  • If we cannot meet that deadline, we will explain why and provide you with information as to who is attending to your issue and an expected reply date.

By email

In person

  • We will do our best to satisfy your request when you visit.
  • If you enquiry is of a technical or specialised nature, we will contact the appropriate person to assist.
  • If that person is unavailable, we will contact you within one, to a maximum of 3, business days to arrange an appointment or discuss the matter via phone or preferred contact method.

Using our website or social media

  • We will maintain our website with relevant, up-to-date information that is easily understood and accessible.
  • Our social media platforms are monitored between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday and requests for information will be responded to within 2 business days.

How you can help us

  • Contact us using any method advertised on
  • Use officer contact details when provided in correspondence.
  • Inform us if your details change, such as your postal address or change of name.
  • Be polite and respectful towards our employees and other customers. Use appropriate language and behaviour, free from discrimination or harassment.
  • Respect and treat all our facilities, equipment, and property with due care and follow any safety rules.
  • Behaviour that is likely to put someone in physical danger or make them feel anxious, threatened, or disrespected, will not be tolerated by us.
  • Abusive and threatening behaviour on our premises, or while we are undertaking our duties within the community, will not be tolerated. Be aware that if deemed necessary or appropriate we may contact the police.
  • Be patient and understanding. We may be busy, but we will do our best to assist you.



  • If you contact us afterhours for an urgent matter, our on call staff will assess the request for priority. Our on call staff will respond to contained dogs or backyard burning within 2 hours and take appropriate action.
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