Summer 2025

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The City of West Torrens is keen for you to 'Stay Healthy in the Heat!' this summer. Remember to drink water, stay cool, dress down, soak, plan your day and help others! This page outlines the range of events and activities on offer that you can get involved in and connect with your community this summer season.

Events for everyone

The following awesome and FREE activities are all part of West Torrens Summer Festival.

HOT Tips

  • 1. To keep hydrated children should aim to drink:
    - 5-8yrs old > 5 glasses (1 litres)
    - 9-12yrs old > 7 glasses (1.5 litres)
    - 13+ yrs old > 8-10 glasses (2 litres)
  • 2. Guess What?! Drinking water is critical to avoiding dehydration, however you can also consume other alternatives.
    Other hydrating food and drink options includes watermelon, cucumber, soup, pureed fruit, jelly, custard, ice cream, stone fruit, berries, smoothies, frozen ice cubes and icy poles.
  • 3. Did you know that the strongest UV rays of the day are between 11am and 4pm?
  • 4. True Fact - "Short Shadow - Seek Shade". The intensity of the UV rays from the sun is strongest when your shadow is shorter than you are tall
  • 5. Standing under a shady tree can feel 10 degrees cooler than standing in the sun
  • 6. Heatwaves are deadly!
    Heatwaves have killed more Australians since 1890 than bushfires, cyclones, earthquakes, floods, and severe storms combined.
  • 7. Hot Tip - Consider keeping a water-bottle close at hand throughout the day and sip it regularly
  • 8. True. Heat stroke affects Pets
    Whilst humans sweat, dogs, cats, and pocket pets can only release heat through areas not covered by fur (eg. tongues, noses and paws)
    Keep your furry friends safe by keeping them indoors, offering shade, and ensuring access to fresh water. Remember to never leave your pet in the car.
  • 9. SPF in cosmetics is not regulated in Australia
    It is a mistake to believe that SPF20 moisturiser and an SPF10 foundation can be used together to form a protection of SPF30. This is not true, so try wearing sunscreen under your makeup for full protection and remember to reapply throughout the day.
  • 10. True or False - Cars are Lethal?
    True. It takes under 10 minutes for a car to reach deadly temperatures (even when parked in shaded areas or with the windows ajar), so never leave humans or pets locked in the car on a hot day.
  • 11. Food left out in the heat can make you sick
    Food left out in the heat is a potential breeding ground for bacteria to reach dangerous levels and may cause sickness if eaten. Remember to keep food refrigerated and discard food that is not safe to eat.

Summer activities for kids and teens

  • Toddler Time (18m+)
    Tuesdays and Thursdays during school term from 28 January, 11:15am - 11:45am
  • Story Time (3-5yrs)
    Wednesdays and Fridays during school term from 29 January, 10:30am - 11:30am
  • Lego Club (5yrs +)
    Monday fortnight during school term from 3 February, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
  • REMINDER! You can borrow books, e-games, toys, sporting equipment and so much more from the library.
  • Get involved Reading Challenge anytime throughout the year
  • There are regular occurring Movie Nights (all year round) at the Hamra Library
  • Play FREE Arcade Games at the Hamra Library

Cool Initiatives

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Cool ways to Connect with your Community

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