

Karkungka, formally know as Kesmond Reserve, at Keswick is undergoing an upgrade to become a more user-friendly and improved recreation space.

The reserve, which is surrounded by housing, is a much-loved and well-utilised community asset and is occasionally used by nearby Richmond Primary School as an extension of school grounds. Students and families often use the reserve before and after school for recreation and, as a result, its redevelopment will help provide even more usable space for the community.

With the help of $1 million of grant funding through the State Government's Open Space Fund, Karkungka works will include:

  • Demolition of the existing tennis clubrooms, courts and existing carpark.
  • Construction of a new tennis court, futsal court, basketball and netball area, cricket nets, increased green space and new public toilet facilities, along with improved paths, shelters and seating.
  • New carparking, located on Farnham Road.

The existing playground, fitness equipment and memorial garden (with the military vehicle) and the red heritage brick building and National Servicemen's Association building will be retained.

Ground works will start in August 2023, which means there will be limited public access to the site. The playground will remain accessible during the duration of works, with the entrance relocated to Everard Avenue.

Construction works are anticipated to continue until end of February 2024. 

View the masterplan(PDF, 4MB)