Max and Bette Mendelson

Max and Bette Mendelson lived at Seaton in the early 1990s.

The couple had no children and decided to establish an educational scholarship fund for local university students.

In 1994 the couple made wills stating that the residue of their estate would pass onto the City of West Torrens for a university scholarship scheme.

The City of West Torrens had begun a university scholarship scheme a few years earlier in 1992. Due to limited funding, the scheme was only able to award scholarships to three students.

Max Mendelson passed away in 1994, with his wife Bette following him in 1995.

Before her death, Bette and the City of West Torrens established the Max and Bette Mendelson Foundation.  The Foundation’s purpose is to promote education at universities in South Australia.

After Bette's death the City of West Torrens was paid the residue of her estate.

Since this time the City of West Torrens has awarded scholarships to students studying at South Australian universities in the Mendelson's honour.

Scholarship money is derived from income of the trust fund and from the City of West Torrens, in its corporate capacity.