Farewell to Chairman Dr Reece Jennings

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It is with deep sadness that Council advises that former City of West Torrens Mayor, Dr Reece Jennings, died on 20 February 2024.

Dr Jennings was born in 1937 and was heavily involved in the West Torrens community, both as an elected official, community mentor and medical practitioner.

Husband, father and grandfather, Dr Jennings was educated at Norwood High School, after which he worked for 10 years for the SA Railways where he became an experienced train controller. He undertook service with the RAAF in Victoria but it was after a prolonged recovery from appendicitis that he developed a strong interest in medicine and after studying at night school, he gained entry to the University of Adelaide in 1962 to study medicine.

In late 1994, a Deed of Charitable Trust was established between Beatrice Mendelson and the City of West Torrens for a scholarship scheme for university students from West Torrens. Dr Jennings was appointed Chairman of the City of West Torrens Max and Bette Mendelson Management Committee a role which he undertook with great pride until his passing.