Westside Stories - Little Galleries

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West Torrens Through Modernism – June to October 2024

As you make your way around West Torrens, be sure to keep an eye out for the little pink roofed galleries - found in parks, along the river, near cafes and even in front of Hamra Centre Library.

These Little Galleries have become a much-loved part of the West Torrens landscape, exhibiting the works of talented artists themed around fascinating Westside Stories.

The latest Little Galleries exhibition is all about the West Torrens Through Art Isms - beautifully translated by 10 clever Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art students to represent West Torrens through modernisms.

Little Galleries

Little Galleries are exactly what they claim to be.  A small space - 500 x 600mm gallery - for exhibitions of small art created by amazing artists. Lovingly hand made by the talented team at the Camden Men's Shed.

Check out the Little Galleries map to help you find all nine locations.

HINT: They're hard to miss with their bright pink roofs drawing your attention.

Please enjoy these beautiful diverse Westside Stories artworks in the Little Galleries exhibitions while exploring West Torrens.



1. Hamra Centre Library - front garden bed, Hilton


Matilda – Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art Student.

West Torrens through Dada

Dada is an art movement that emerged during WW1 in Zurich and then spread to many other major cities. The movement dismantled the conventions of art to display the grief and horror of war into the artistic traditions. Dada is known for being anti-war, trying to break the ‘rules’ of art. Marcel Duchamp is famously known for his readymade artworks. “Readymades” were ordinary objects that were displayed as artwork, for example, a urinal was put in a gallery and called the “Fountain”.

My Little Gallery represents locations, historical research and objects of the West Torrens area through the style of Dada. The defining characteristic of Dada is the use of readymades and challenging traditional notions about what can be considered art. I have incorporated these ideas to create the artworks you see in the white walls of this modern gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art.

2. West Torrens Memorial Gardens, Hilton


Jordyn - Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art Student.

West Torrens through Expressionism 

Expressionism is a modern art movement that emerged in Northern Europe around the beginning of the 20th Century; this art movements’ typical trait was to present the world solely from a subjective perspective. Expressionism art also refers to art in which the image of reality is distorted in order to make it expressive of the artist's inner feelings and ideas. If a person was painted, it wasn’t a reflection of real life but an impression of what the person looked like to them. Some notable artists of the movement were Edvard Munch and Wassily Kandinsky.

My Little Gallery represents locations, historical research, and objects of the West Torrens area through Expressionism. The main characteristic of Expressionism was to express emotional experience rather than physical reality to the viewer. I have incorporated these ideas to create the artworks you see in the white walls of this modern gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art. 

3. Mellor Park - playground path, Lockleys


Sari – Year 11 Immanuel Collage Visual Art Student.

West Torrens through Fauvism

Fauvism is a modern art movement that emerged in the early 20th Century. Fauvism uses bright colours, bold brush strokes and incorporates different traditional art techniques. The reason Fauvism became so popular among artists is due to the artworks' ability to express intense emotions. Artists do this through the use of non-naturalistic colours and shapes, emphasizing the emotions rather than prioritising the realism of the art. The most notable artists of the movement were Henri Matisse and Andre Derain.

My Little Gallery represents locations, historical research, and objects of the West Torrens area through the style of Fauvism. The defining characteristic of Fauvism is in the use of bright colours and bold brush strokes, and you will find these all included into my artworks you can see on the white walls of this modern gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art. 

4. Weigall Reserve Playground, Plympton


Ioannis - Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art Student.

West Torrens through Pop Art

Pop Art is a modern art movement that emerged in the UK and then the USA in the mid to late 1950s, in which artists incorporated commonplace objects such as comic strips, soup cans, newspapers, and items of popular culture into their work. The Pop Art movement aimed to challenge traditional ideas about what makes something art and elevate popular culture to the level of high art. The most notable artists of the movement were Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Richard Hamilton.

My Little Gallery represents locations, historical research and objects of the West Torrens area through the style of Pop Art. The defining characteristics of Pop Art are recognisable imagery including logos, bright colours, irony and satire, appropriation and innovative techniques like printmaking, mixed media and lithography. I have incorporated these ideas to create the artworks you see in the white walls of this modern gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art.

5. Holland St/Winwood, Thebarton


Emelia - Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art Student.

West Torrens through Surrealism

Surrealism is an art and cultural movement that developed in Europe after World War 1. The intention of the Surrealist artists was to create a kind of super-reality, to allow the unconscious mind to express itself, often resulting in the depiction of illogical or dreamlike scenes and ideas.

My Little Gallery represents locations, historical research and objects of the West Torrens area through the style of Surrealism. The defining characteristic of surrealism were bizarre, ambiguous visual imagery, not abstract but more dreamlike realism. I was interested in the recurrence of a black cat as a symbol of a superstition or glitch in the matrix. I have incorporated these ideas to create the artworks you see in the white walls of this modern gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art. 

6. LoveOn Café, Mile End


Nitis - Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art Student.

West Torrens through Abstract Expressionism 

Abstract Expressionism is a distinct art movement that emerged in the 1940s and 50s after the Second World War. The unique styles and work became well known due to famous artists such as Jackson Pollock and Willen de Kooning. Abstract Expressionism championed bold, gestural abstraction in all mediums, particularly large painted canvases. This enabled the viewer to feel immersed within the art and be present in the moment of the experience, rather than just viewing it.

My Little Gallery represents locations, historical research, and objects of the West Torrens area through the style of Abstract Expressionism. Key aspects of Abstract Expressionism include emphasis of freedom, spontaneous brush strokes, expression of emotions, experiences and opinions of the artist. In my gallery, I have entwined these recommendations to create the magnificent pieces featured within the modern white walls of my Little Gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art.

7. Apex Park - West Beach


Charlie - Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art Student

West Torrens through Impressionism

Impressionism is a modern art movement that emerged in France in the 1850s. Artists in this movement often painted outdoors (en plein air), practicing spontaneity and embracing imperfections. The impressionist movement is well known for its accurate depiction of light using short, unrefined brushstrokes. Artists of the movement who inspired me were Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh and Tom Roberts.

My Little Gallery represents locations, historical research, and objects from the West Torrens area, through Impressionism. I was inspired by the diversity of the ecosystem in West Torrens, ranging from forests and woodlands to coastal dunes. I have incorporated these ideas to create the artworks you see in the white walls of this modern gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art. 

8. Inparri Wama - Thebarton


Ebony and Alice - Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art Students.

West Torrens through Futurism

Futurism was an Italian art movement of the early twentieth century that aimed to capture the art of the modern world. It incorporated a focus on the technical progress of the machine age, dynamism, speed, energy, vitality and change. Futurism aimed for people to imagine what they thought the world would progress to be like and to express their bold imagination. The most notable artists of the movement were, Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Gino Severini.

Our Little Gallery signifies locations, historical research and objects found within the West Torrens area through the art style of Futurism. This is defined through elements that are commonly more complex and virtually impossible to achieve in real life. We have showcased this through a pallet of bright unrealistic colours to have a utopian theme of happiness and complete contentment. We have incorporated these ideas to create the artwork you see in the white walls of this modern gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art.

9. Linear Park Trail/Main St, Lockleys


Zali - Year 11 Immanuel College Visual Art Student.

West Torrens through Cubism

Cubism is an art movement that emerged around 1907-1921. Well-known artists who initiated Cubism were Pablo Picasso and George Braque. These artists have inspired thousands over centuries with their challenging approaches to creating artworks inspired by the rapidly changing world around them. I have chosen to look at West Torrens through the lens of Cubism because it is out of my comfort zone - I enjoy painting realistic artworks, and this is quite different. I enjoyed creating these artworks because it lets me explore different variations on how to use colour and create an expression of place.

My art gallery represents different locations within West Torrens, including the forgotten parts of West Torrens such as the airport runway and the nature of a nearby local park that is a home to many different types of birds and plants. I have incorporated these ideas to create the artworks you see in the white walls of this modern gallery.

Year 11 Immanuel College students have each created a Little Gallery representing West Torrens through: Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Dada, Cubism, Futurism, Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art. 

Want to know more stories of West Torrens?

The West Torrens Historical Society has compiled an amazing breadth of diverse and fascinating stories that will add many layers of new meaning to the streets, parks, shops and areas that you know and love.

Keep an eye out for future Westside Stories, Little Galleries exhibitions.

For all enquiries contact Di Caught.


Check out Little Galleries of the past.