The City Services and Climate Adaptation and City Facilities and Waste Recovery meetings are being held from 6:00pm tonight.
In This Section
Karin Ridgeway, General Manager Multiple Solutions - providing employment assistance to those with disability.
Charmaine Mather, Camden Community Centre - providing support to those in need for more than 10 years.
Mahbub Bin Siraz, South Australian Bangladeshi Community Association - supporting people during COVID-19 by establishing the Adelaide COVID-19 Emergency Support Group and raising funds.
Mary Griffiths, Camden Community Centre - supporting new arrivals and families in the area, including undertaking ‘food runs’ to various residents in need.
Maria Beltrame - volunteer with St Aloysius Parish assisting with the tuck shop and with sewing and cooking classes; fundraising for the local church.
Jenny Mutton - volunteer with Camden Baptist Church in the op shop/café.
Reverend Tricia Bishop, Camden Baptist Church, for being the ‘cornerstone’ of the church.
Joyce James - ‘grandmother’ figure and support person for the Children Liturgy Group at St Aloysius.
The Martin family - Ralph, Janet and Belinda - have spent many years volunteering with St Aloysius church.