Australia Day Young Citizen of the Year 2021
Joanna Barry Murphy


A law student at the University of Adelaide, Joanna was our 2021 Young Citizen of the Year due to her drive, passion and leadership with regard to global issues.

President of the United Nations Youth SA (UN Youth SA), Joanna has been a frequent guest speaker at the West Torrens Rotary Club and has an impressive resume which depicts an active life. She has been activity supervisor for the UN Youth SA, organised a range of educational events for students and has managed external relations for the organisation. She was the tour convenor for the Aotearoa Leadership Tour from September 2019 - March 2020, where she organised an international study tour of Australia and New Zealand for a delegation of 16 high school students.

A resident of Mile End, Joanna also coordinated the production of educational content, including workshops, for a three-day residential conference in March 2020 themed ‘Youth Activism in the 21st Century’.

Pictured: Joanna Barry Murphy.