Civic Award 2019
Matt Hueppauff


Presented for outstanding voluntary contribution to the community of West Torrens.

While Matt is not a resident of West Torrens, his work with the Hilton RSL Sub Branch in the position of Secretary saw him more than worthy to receive Council’s Civic Award.

For the past two years Matt has held the position of Secretary and in that time he has worked tirelessly to help raise funds for the branch, while working full-time. He has been responsible for coordinating sausage sizzles, raffles, and committee meetings and takes it upon himself to ensure that veterans and service members who frequent the Hilton RSL are welcomed and made to feel included.

Described as ‘one of the hardest working volunteers in the municipality of West Torrens with a generosity of spirit second to none’, Matt is motivated to protect and ensure Hilton RSL Sub Branch will be part of the West Torrens’ community for many years to come. He is legally blind and spends up to five hours an evening at the club, after work, and most weekends. He relies on public transport and family and friends to provide transport.

Pictured: Mayor Michael Coxon with representative from The Simple Market, Fabian Muller.