Public notification of developments


In some instances there is a requirement that the public is notified about a proposed development before a decision is made. Public notification allows neighbours and other interested parties to be notified about a development that affects them, so that they have the opportunity to comment.

Applications lodged post March 19 2021

For applications lodged from March 19 2021, there are some types of applications that will require public notification.

View information about public notification requirements, including who is notified, on the PlanSA website.

View the applications currently on public notice on the PlanSA website.

Applications lodged before March 19 2021

For applications lodged before March 19 2021, there are some types of applications that will require public notification.

 View development applications currently on public notification online

The extent of notice given to members of the public depends on the development category.


Category 1 development: public notification is not permitted.

This category involves no notification, and applies to development including, but not limited to:

  • single storey dwellings (including walls on boundaries)
  • two storey dwellings (including walls on boundaries)
  • land division of up to four allotments
  • minor developments (i.e. sheds, verandahs, swimming pools, carports etc.).

Category 2 development: adjoining property owners/occupiers are notified in writing.

This category applies to development including, but not limited to:

  • two storey dwellings in some Character Areas and Historic Conservation Policy Areas
  • some retail, commercial and industrial development, where the proposed site is adjacent to a different zone
  • demolition of local heritage buildings or contributory items

Category 3 development: nearby property owners/occupiers and the public are notified in writing.

Property owners/occupiers in the locality and general public more broadly must be notified. Where Category 1 or 2 does not apply, the requirement defaults to Category 3 notification.

This includes notification in a local or state-wide newspaper and adjoining land owners/occupiers notified by letter.

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