Notifications for building works
The Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act requires notification to be given to councils at certain stages of building work during the development.
When we are given a notification, it will enable us to undertake audit inspections to ensure that works are in accordance with the approval plans. Authorised officers may, at any time, request access to the site for the inspections. Failure to notify us at certain stages may results in fines being issued.
What work requires mandatory notifications?
In accordance with the Act, anyone undertaking building work, or an activity within the Council area, must notify Council within the prescribed period of the commencement or completion of prescribed stages of work (noted below).
Who needs to notify?
- A licensed building work contractor who is carrying out the work or who is in charge of carrying out the work; or
- If there is no such licensed building work contractor, the building owner.
What information do I need to supply when submitting my notification?
When you notify Council of an inspection you must include the following:
- The development application number
- The site address
- The stage of work i.e. commencement of work; completion of framing; completion of permanent pool fencing
- Date the works will commence/complete (DD/MM/YYY)
- At the commencement notification, you must provide the details of the persons who's proposed to sign the Statement of Compliance in accordance with Regulations 104 and;
you must include the name, business address, email address, telephone number and builder's license number of the licensed building work contractor responsible for carrying out the relevant building work;
- Owner builders must provide council with the details of the person that will be signing Part A of the Statement of Compliance.
An owner builder must provide council with the registered building work supervisors name, registered building work supervisors contact number, registered building work supervisor license number when submitting their notification.
Where the Statement of Compliance will be signed off by a private certifier, council must be provided with the details of the private certifier.
Note: Building work cannot commence until the following is in place:
Building indemnity insurance has been taken out by the builder.
Both the owner and council have received a copy of the certificate of insurance. Refer to the building indemnity insurance page for further information.
Failure to provide these details can deem the notification incomplete and may not be accepted.
What happens after I notify?
After notification is given, an authorised officer from Council may carry out an inspection. Below outlines how much notice is required to be given and for how long work must cease.
How long must I keep the construction unconcealed for inspection?
Typically, you are required to provide Council with one clear business days'* notice before continuing work, however in some cases (such as framing) two business days are required. Please refer to your 'Decision Notification Form' for the required time frames.
*an example of one clear business day is notifying Council on a Thursday for intended work on the following Monday.
The periods and stages prescribed as mandatory notification stages that apply to your development
Building work
- one business days' notice of the intended commencement of building work on site
- one business days' notice of the intended completion of steel reinforcement in footings (prior to concrete pour)
- one business days' notice at completion of wall and roof framing (prior to lining)
- one business days' notice of any stage specified by the Private Certifier
- one business days' notice of the intended commencement of the installation of the designed building product
- one business days' notice of completion of the building work.
Designated building product
- 1 business days' notice of the intended commencement of the installation of the designated building product.
Swimming pools
- 1 business days' notice of the intended commencement of swimming pool
- 1 business days' notice of completion of the pool (designated pool fence completed).
What happens if I don’t notify?
A person who fails to notify at the mandatory notification stages is guilty of an offence which has associated penalties (maximum $10,000) and expiations fees ($750).
Council may issue expiations where a mandatory notification is not given.
What else do I need to provide Council before I start work?
Building contractors must have builder's indemnity insurance where a domestic contract has been entered with an owner and the value of work is $12,000 and more. A copy of the 'Certificate of Building Indemnity Insurance' must be lodged with Council before any work begins on site.
What happens when Council issues an instruction?
An instruction is given by Council when an inspection has occurred and there is an inconsistency with the approval.
When Council issues an instruction regarding your building work, you are required to re-notify once any of the rectification work has been completed. Failure to re-notify can attract fines.