Asset Protection Program The Asset Protection Program monitors and inspects sites to ensure compliance and require any damage to be rectified to Council standards.
Public notification of developments Information about when the public needs to be notified about developments.
Notifications for building works Important information for applicants/ owners/ builders regarding notifications of building work once development approval is granted.
Building indemnity insurance and CITF requirements If you’re building a home, it is important you ensure you are covered by building indemnity insurance.
Building Fire Safety Committee Information about the role of the Building Fire Safety Committee and its members at the City of West Torrens.
Adelaide Airport Limited Information relating to building applications on airport (Commonwealth) land.
Garden guide for new homes How to implement the Planning and Design Code to maximise the benefits of trees and soft landscaping for infill development.
Significant and Regulated trees Information about Significant and Regulated trees and what you can and can't do.